everything sounds good! beat is great, and i love the melody... only thing is the vst plugins i don't quite agree with.
everything sounds good! beat is great, and i love the melody... only thing is the vst plugins i don't quite agree with.
I'm actually very pleased with the feedback for this one. I thought everyone would hate it XD
nicely done
yeah, good last song to listen to for the morning. the only reason i gave it an 8/10 and 4/5 was because it can be much longer!
That & maybe either a little more droning on the sitar, or reverb.
Otherwise it's still cool the way it is. Thanks for the post!
Well the thing is... it can indeed be much longer.. only my morning was limited :P I really had to go... So maybe i'll make it longer another day ;) Thanks for the review!
agree with the person below me...
yeah it doesn't pay to berate yourself to everyone else, 1) it's not going to get you better scores, or sympathy 2) having an ego isn't a bad thing, if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will either.
:) as for the music, it's good dude, be yourself, have fun, and everything will fall into place.
thanks for posting
I really dont believe in my voice.
I say it cause i don't want people to go in depth about my voice
im trying haha. Doesn't help to hear "it sucks" over and over
Thanks man, appreicate the review :)
must agree this is excellent!
not usually a fan of the gated euroarp type sound, but it's utilized perfectly with the melody.
good energy to it too, like i don't know if i want to cry in joy, or fly through the air at 500 mph focused as hell with the intent to defeat any obstacles in my way. good job!
yea same here, but i think i did pretty well with it eh? :)
Hmm. I like it
I really like the sound, has a david lynch movie feel to it, but it's when the drums kicked in that it just seemed to be a little off beat..
might i suggest using a different drum sample, with a downtempo beat?
Thanks for the advice, I'll change the drums as soon as I can.
haha... nice
you left a review on one of my songs, so i was going to return the favor, and i seen the title of this, and my initial reaction was 'better not of!!!'... haha mine was 'the crystal cave'. anyway, yeah, nice subtle sound. :)
haha thanks dude :)
it's really good
i'd really like to hear what this would sound like with either a real orchestra, or better sound software, otherwise it's a great piece.
Suppose the one minor thing in my opinion is it might be a little repetitive with the melody, but it's subtle enough that it's not really annoying though either.
good job!
Well, if i had more money, and a better pc, I would definitely get better software< i'm glad you liked it!
~The Ledge93~
i am now healed
yes, my adventure can continue as i logged on, came to this portal, received healing from the bells of healing... now i am off to defeat the big boss 'humanity'... hehe, nicely done.
Totally awesome, thank you
good job
speechless eh? LOL
Age 45, Male
WI, U.S.
Joined on 4/16/09